A Look at the Standard Hospital Uniform: What Do You Need?

If you are about to start your first job in a hospital as a nursing professional, you will need to get your hands on the right uniform. When buying a uniform for hospital work, you may find that your employer has guidelines that you will need to follow, but you may be able to find a way to inject some of your own personality or preferences at the same time. Of course, professionalism, hygiene, and practicality will be your priorities. Here, we take a look at the standard hospital uniform you should be buying, as well as the accessories you might want to consider.
The most popular choice of uniform for hospital staff is a durable set of hospital scrubs. Scrubs consist of trousers and a top, which are comfortable and easy to move around in. They are also made of fabric that minimizes the risk of cross-contamination in a hospital, wicks away sweat, withstands strong chemicals and regular washing at high temperatures, and provides protection for the wearer. Scrubs are often color-coded so that different types of nurses are easy to identify.
Some hospital nursing staff wear a dress, and there are plenty of style options to choose from in terms of color, pattern, collar, and fastening. Generally, dresses should not sit above the knee and should be worn with tights or stockings.
Hospital uniform colors
A nurse may be required to wear a different color of scrubs or dress to represent their role, but the system can vary depending on the hospital’s policy. There are often reasons behind the color coding of hospital uniform—surgeons and surgical nurses tend to wear blue or green, as wearing pink or red could desensitize their eyes to tissue in the human body.
Practical and comfortable shoes
Nurses have to stand for long periods and are often rushing about under pressure. It’s important to avoid uncomfortable or insecure shoes that cause discomfort or that could lead to trips or falls. Nurses are usually required to wear flat, black shoes, and it is also a good idea to avoid shoes that are noisy or slippery on hospital floors. Compression stockings can also help to reduce pressure in the feet, which can be uncomfortable and lead to long-term health complications.
Surgical gloves
Nursing staff are expected to have disposable surgical gloves with them, as much of their day involves contact with potentially harmful substances and contaminated bodily fluids. By disposing of the gloves correctly after dealing with each patient, they can also prevent contaminating their next patient.
There are several accessories that you might want to invest in as part of your nursing uniform, including a lanyard with an ID holder and clip, a penlight, and a fob watch. The watch not only tells the time, but also enables nurses to perform certain medical tests. Using a mobile phone is sometimes an option, but it can appear unprofessional to patients.
Choosing a hospital uniform
There are two main considerations when choosing any element of your nursing uniform: protection and comfort. Nursing staff need to be protected from bacteria and harmful substances, and able to work at their best for long periods of time. An ill-fitting, uncomfortable, or poor-quality uniform can have a tangible impact on a nurse’s level of performance.
Hot Style Tips for Men – The Fashion Wheel Rolls Round Again.

Fashion has a habit of rolling around, we see the same ideas come back time and time again, though they are often wrapped up slightly differently and delivered in a new and exciting way! Take Fedora hats, toupees, braces, pocket squares and colored socks (the jury’s out on this one but we’ll go with it in the name of fashion). All had their day, or so we thought, but now there’s evidence they’re not just back but they are hot, hot, hot in the style stakes.
That’s a Hair-Raising Idea.
Toupees we hear you cry, toupees? How on earth are they hot? Not all past and present wearers of the hairpiece do it justice, we give you that. Elton John and Donald Trump are successful, powerful and talented men in their own right – but they could do with a little more direction in the hair stakes.
Nowadays wonderful wigs can provide you with a quick and easy way to change your look and style in an instant. No need for a full overhaul at the hairdressers, dying your hair purple is never the best option (even if the hottest thing since sliced bread). A wig gives you a short-term solution to a style rut. Wigs and hairpieces are also great if you are experiencing hair loss. This can be a challenging subject to openly discuss and you may prefer to keep it under your hat (so to speak). You can cover up and get on with your life safe in the knowledge the authentic wigs of today will fit well and look good.
You Can Leave Your Hat On.
The fedora is an eye-catching piece and has found a place amongst the stylish attire of recent times. With its soft rim and indented crown, it looks pretty impressive perched on your head. Once rocked by the Blues Brothers the Fedora is now loved by many an A-Lister, from Johnny Depp to Brad Pitt and Don Draper of Mad Men fame. We suggest you get a Fedora and you can leave your hat on.
Brace Yourself.
The TV series Peaky Blinders brought us a fabulous storyline, top class actors and reignited our passion for braces. Not only do they help hold up those pesky trousers but they also add a touch of coolness to the proceedings. You must be ultra-cool if you are willing to wear them! You just need a gold-pocket watch and you can get all jaunty as you toast your fashion sense with your chums. For a more modern look braces can look hip worn with jeans, try and source your braces from a vintage store for authenticity and if you’re doing it then do it properly – go for leather over synthetic.
The Pocket Square.
Back in the day the pocket square was worn by distinguished gents who were attending formal dinners or other important events. Then the pocket square was white and folded flat and that, my friend, was that. Fast forward to 2018 and the pocket square craze seems to have returned with a vengeance – but it’s morphed along the way. For a conservative look the flat fold is still the way to go, keep the colours simple (a shade that subtly contrasts your suit works well). If you want to stand out a little more you could go monochrome. Go for traditional white with a black suit, but instead of a flat fold go for a puff fold (stands out more and adds a little edge). Navy blue can take a hit of colour too so maybe go for a bright red if you really want to be noticed. Better to stand out than to blend in!
Sock It to Me.
Ok, so colored socks aren’t for everyone. Many insist socks should subtly bridge the gap between trouser and shoe, covering the flesh but not drawing attention to the ankle. Now there’s a rebellion afoot – in the guise of socks to match any part of your outfit. Wearing a bright red pocket square? Way hey then bring on the bright red socks to match! We are not sure on this one so you might want to experiment in the mirror prior to leaving the house to go to the pub with your mates.
Be Yourself.
The take home message is clear – dress yourself in a way that flatters and complements your shape, your look and your personality. Do not follow trends blindly, by all means gather ideas but go your own way!